We’ve had progress on the mess round the back of Chicken Cottage. The Council has done a one-off clearance of the area next to the Garage.
We need to thank a great new street warden called Nicola who is totally on it and wants to help do clearance of the vegetation too. Paula Truman, area warden who is always helpful and helped push and in the end Damian, the Area Coordinator just said they guys had to take the stuff.
Also would like to thank our Cllrs Kevin Warnes and Vick Jenkins for their continued persistence on this issue.
With Vick’s help, we’ve also put a bid in for some funding to turn the area into a more pleasant green space. Hopefully this will be a longer term solution.
We’re planning a neighbourhood clean-up for Sunday 17th of March as well, so get your sleeves rolled up and put that in the calendar
If anyone knows people in the businesses that front the still rather messy yard, or can help by clearing up the bin-bags and building waste by the side of Number 12 – please talk to them.