Shipley Litterpick Bus – Sunday March 5th

Hop aboard and help clean up our streets and playing field!(Around Shipley C of E, Norwoods and surrounding areas)

SAM_2889 (Large)Once again our streets and playing areas have become a bit of a mess. We are going to give our areas some love and clean up and re-cycle what we can.


  • 2:00pm Shipley C of E School (back gate, near Birklands Road) to clean School surrounds
  • 2:30pm Playing field clean-up
  • 3:00pm The Norwoods (meet by playing field, Norwood Place)
  • 4.00pm Clifton Place and Bargrange Av.
  • 4:30pm Eat cake a have cups of tea

What to bring: Decent shoes/boots, we’ll provide gloves, bags and litter picking tools. Any brushes or things you think might be useful to bring are welcome.

If you don’t want to pick up the litter yourself, you can still help us by offering moral support or cups of tea.  Also feel free just to come and have a chat.  If there are other things you’d like to see done in or around our streets, come and talk.

If you need more info contact Dave on 07743471764 or danger.robison ‘at’

Everyone is welcome!


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