Clifton Place Clean-Up!

Clean up Clifton Place!

Please join us in cleaning up the street and back-streets.

(Tea and cake provided!)

When: Sunday 9th November, 1.30pm
Where: Meet outside 57 Clifton Place.
What to bring: Decent shoes/boots and anything you think might be useful, we’ll provide gloves,
bags and litter picking tools.

Organiser: Dave Robison – e-mail d.robison ‘at’ | mob: 0774 347 1764

We are going to spend an hour tidying up the litter and dumped items from down the street. We want to clean up and re-cycle what we can. This event was a great success last March when 15 residents helped out. These back-streets can be nice, safe and clean places
to walk up and down and for children to play in, or just nicer to look out on!

If you don’t want to pick up the litter yourself, you can still help us by offering moral support or cups of tea! Or feel free just to come and have a chat. If there are other things you’d like to see done in or around our street come and talk. This event has been organised in conjunction with Norwood Neighbourhood Association.

We are meeting at 1.30pm on Sunday at the bottom of Clifton Place (just outside number 57 – Dave and Cathy’s house). Everyone is