
Norwood Neighbourhood Association
Spring Gathering
& Annual General Meeting
Children welcome

1st April 2012 2pm – 4pm
St Margaret’s Church Hall
Shipley Fields Road
Frizinghall BD18 2DH

Refreshments and Snacks
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Resident’s Survey Results

Resident’s Survey Results

Thanks to everyone who took part in our Resident’s survey at the back end of 2011. There was an excellent response rate. A copy of the full report is available to down load . The report will also be available in print at our AGM on the 1st April 2012.

What did we ask? The survey asked questions about Community areas, Community spirit, Appearance, Crime and anti-social behaviour, Planning and land development, traffic management and information requirements. Of these, you told us that your key priorities were:

  • Litter and Fly-tipping
  • Reducing Crime and Anti-social Behaviour
  • Traffic Management, Road Safety and Speed Reduction

What Now? As a result of the survey we have spoken to representatives from the local police and council who endorse the report. They have also agreed to work with us to implement a number of improvements as a result of the survey. Watch out as improvements are made over the coming months.